2023/3/16 Junxiang Hao(M2), Hirotaka Yamada, Xingyu Huang(M2), Jaehyun Kim(M2) gave talks in Japanese Society of Applied Physics.
2023/3/15 Takanori Takahashi(Uraoka lab), Hirokazu Fujiwara(Project researcher), and Yuki Itoya(M2) gave talks in Japanese Society of Applied Physics.
2023/3/9 Hirotaka Yamada(Researcher) gave a talk in IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM) 2023.
2023/3/8 Junxiang Hao(M2) gave a talk in IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM) 2023.
2023/1/18 Xingyu Huang(M2)'s paper has been published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics(JJAP).
2022/12/20 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in JSAP Applied electronic property sectional meeting.
2022/12/5 Dr. Jixuan Wu's paper has received IEEE EDS Paul Rappaport Award.
2022/11/17 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in 19th Thin film device research meeting.
2022/11/14 Prof. Kobayashi's paper has been published in Nano Convergence.
2022/10/25 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in NEDIA 9th Electron Device Forum.
2022/9/28 Xingyu Huang gave a presentation in International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials(SSDM) 2022.
2022/9/22 Zhuo Li(D2), Hirokazu Fujiwara(Project researcher in Taniuchi lab) gave talks in Japanese Society of Applied Physics.
2022/9/21 Yuto Kawato(Uraoka lab), Takanori Takahashi(Uraoka lab) gave talks in Japanese Society of Applied Physics.
2022/8/23 Yoshiki Sawabe(M2,graduated)'s paper has been published in Applied Physics Letter (APL).
2022/7/28 Zhuo Li(D2)'s paper has been published in IEEE Electron Device Letter(EDL).
2022/6/11 Zhuo Li(D2) gave a talk in IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop.
2022/4/12 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in IEICE Technical Committee on Integrated Circuits and Devices (ICD) Meeting.
2022/4/4 Kaito Hikake(M1) has joined Kobayashi lab. Welcome!
2022/4/1 The year of 2022 has started.
2022/3/31 Dr. Wu left our laboratory for her new career. Thank you very much!
2022/3/31 Yoshiki Sawabe (M2) graduated. Congratulations!
2022/3/31 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in IRPS2022.
2022/2/16 Mr. Jiawen Xiang's paper was published in IEEE JEDS.
2022/2/16 Dr. Fei Mo's paper was published in IEEE JEDS.
2022/2/9 Dr. Fei Mo's paper was published in JJAP.
2021/1/11 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in JSPS R031 committee meeting.
2021/12/3 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in EDTI27.
2021/12/14,15 Prof. Kobayashi co-authored the two papers presented in IEDM 2021.
2021/12/3 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in IDW21.
2021/11/11 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in IEICE SDM meeting.
2021/11/4 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in The 41th Electronics Division Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan.
2021/10/31 Dr. Shindo left the laboratory.
2021/10/28 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in 2021JP-TW Advanced Materials and Semiconductor Technology Workshop.
2021/10/1 Xingyu Huang(M1), Deepak Sharma(M1) have joined Kobayashi lab. Welcome!
2021/9/30 Xiaoran Mei(M2) graduated. Congratulations!
2021/9/16 Dr. Jixuan Wu's paper was published in IEEE TED.
2021/9/11 Dr. Jixuan Wu(post-doc), Xiaoran Mei (M2), and Prof. Kobayashi gave talks in JSAP Fall meeting.
2021/9/9 Prof. Kobayashi gave a regular paper talk in SSDM 2021, on behalf of Fei Mo.
2021/9/8 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in SSDM 2021.
2021/8/2 Jiawen Xiang (M2) received the best student paper award in Silicon Nano Workshop. Congratulations!
2021/6/19 Dr. Fei Mo gave a talk in VLSI symposium 2021.
2021/6/17 Jixuan Wu gave a talk in VLSI symposium 2021.
2021/6/13 Jiawen Xiang (M2) gave a talk in Silicon Nano Workshop 2021.
2021/5/15 Prof. Kobayashi talked about the research topic presented in VLSI 2020 in Yano E plus.
2021/5/1 Dr. Satoshi Shindo has joined Kobayashi lab. as project researcher. Welcome!
2021/4/19 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in MRS Spring Meeting 2021.
2021/4/11 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in IEEE EDTM 2021.
2021/4/2 Updated HP ("Research" and so on) and migrated to SSL version.
2021/4/1 Yuki Itoya(M1)、Junxiang Hao(M1)、Gong Qiyun(M1)、Jaehyun Kim(M1)、Zhuo Li(D1) have joined Kobayashi lab. Welcome!
2021/4/1 The year of 2021 has started.
2020/3/16 Dr. Fei Mo received research encouragement award in JSAP autumn meeting.
2020/2/26 Dr. Chengji Jin's paper has been published in IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices.
2020/2/22 Prof. Kobayashi and his research group received IEEE EDS Leo Esaki Award (award ceremony was hold on 12/14/2020).
2020/2/3 Prof. Kobayashi presented invited talk in Semicon Korea.
2020/11/16 We are hiring a project researcher (post-doc). Please refer to this link for detail. The application is closed. Thank you for many applications.
2020/12/21 Dr. Jixuan Wu's paper has been published in Applied Physics Letter.
2020/11/16 Prof. Kobayashi received the Device Research Award from KIOXIA corporation.
2020/11/11 Dr. Jixuan Wu's paper has been published in IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices.
2020/10/30 Prof. Kobayashi presented invited talk in 7th NEDIA Electron Device Forum Kyoto.
2020/10/5-9 Prof. Kobayashi presented two invited talks in ECS-PRiME 2020.
2020/9/23-25 Prof. Kobayashi presented invited talk in SISPAD 2020.
2020/9/17 Prof. Kobayashi presented invited talk in D2T symposium of The University of Tokyo.
2020/9/10-11 Fei Mo (D3), Paul Johansen (M2), Jixuan Wu (post-doc researcher) had presentations in JSAP fall meeting.
2020/9/3 Prof. Kobayashi presented invited talk in AM-FPD.
2020/8/13 Prof. Kobayashi presented invited talk in VLSI-TSA.
2020/4/29 Fei Mo (D3)'s paper has been published in IEEE Journal of Electron Device Society.
2020/6/23 Fei Mo (D3)'s paper has been published in Applied Physics Express.
2020/6/21 Dr. Jixuan Wu(post-doc researcher)'s VLSI Symposium on Techcnology 2020 work has been introduced in Nature.
2020/6/14 Dr. Jixuan Wu (post-doc researcher) presented her work in VLSI Symposium on Technology 2020 (virtual conference).
2020/6/20 Prof. Kobayashi's article on ferroelectric-HfO2 memory has been released in JSPS monthly journal.
2020/4/29 Chengji Jin (D3)'s paper has been published in IEEE Journal of Electron Device Society.
2020/4/7 Prof. Kobayashi received the Young Scientist Award of the year of 2020 from MEXT.
2019/4/1 Yoshiki Sawabe (M1) has joined our laboratory. Welcome!
2019/4/1 The year of 2020 has started.
2020/3/15 Prof. Kobayashi's article is published in "Yano E Plus" (Yano Economics Laboratory).
2020/3/14 Hidemasa Yoshimura(M2) had presentation in JSAP Spring meeting (only approval of the abstract due to COVID-19).
2020/3/4 Prof. Kobayashi received Marubun research encouragement award.
2020/2/7 Chengji Jin(D3) and Fei Mo(D3) received IEEE EDS Japan Chapter Student Award. Congratulations!
2020/1/1 New year of 2020 has started.
2019/12/27 Prof. Kobayashi had an interview on Top Researchers. Link.
2019/11/28 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in ISCSI-8 at Tohoku University.
2019/11/7 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in SDM workshop.
2019/10/30 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in 2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on ASIC (ASICON) at Chongqing, China.
2019/10/28 Fei Mo (D2) gave an invited talk in Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium (NVMTS) 2019 at Washington DukeInn, Durham, North Carolina.
2019/10/17 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in the 77th Fujihara Seminar at Hakone.
2019/9/20 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in JSAP fall meeting at Sapporo, Hokkaido.
2019/9/18 Fei Mo(D2), Chengji Jin(D2) had presentations in JSAP fall meeting at Sapporo, Hokkaido.
2019/9/1 Jixuan Wu has joined Kobayashi's lab as a postdoc researcher.
2019/8/9 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in SDM workshop.
2019/8/2-3 We had Hiramoto and Kobayashi lab's annual outing in Nagatoro, Saitama.
2019/7/1 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in AWAD2019 in Korea.
2019/6/11, 13 Fei Mo(D2) and Chengji Jin(D2) had presentation in VLSI technology symposium.
2019/6/11 Press release for the presentations in VLSI technology symposium.
2019/5/14 Prof. Kobayashi received the poster award in IEICE ICD Workshop on LSI and system.
2019/4/26 Prof. Kobayashi gave a plenary talk in Symposium on Nano Device Technoogy at TSRT(Taiwan)
2019/4/1 Jiawen Xiang(M1) has joined Kobayashi's lab. Welcome!
2019/3/10 Chengji Jin(D2) received JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Award. Congratulations!
2019/3/10 Yusaku Tagawa(M2), Chengji Jin(D2), Fei Mo(D2) had presentations in JSAP spring meeting.
2019/2/18 Chengji Jin(D2)'s paper on the device physics of NCFET has been published in Journal of Electron Device Society.
2019/1/1 New year of 2019 has started.
2018/12/31 Thank you very much for everthing.
2018/12/13 Prof. Kobayashi talked about ferroelectric-HfO2 based devices in National Taiwan University.
2018/12/11 Yusaku Tagawa(M2) and Prof. Kobayashis' paper on a ferroelectric HfO2 FTJ has been published in Journal of Electron Device Society.
2018/12/4,5 Chengji Jin(D2) and Fei Mo(D2) gave talks about NCFET and FTJ memory in IEDM2018.
2018/12/3 JST/IIS joint press release for IEDM2018 presentations.
2018/10/23 Prof. Kobayashi's review paper on NCFET has been published in APEX review.
2018/10/1 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in ECS fall meeting in Cancun, Mexico.
2018/10/1 Paul Davin Johansen joined Kobayashi's lab. Welcome!
2018/9/18-21 Prof. Kobayashi, Chengji Jin(D2), Fei Mo(D2), Yusaku Tagawa(M2) had presentations in JSAP fall meeting in Nagoya.
2018/9/12 Chengji Jin(D2) had presentation in SSDM2018 in Tokyo
2018/8/9 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in SDM workshop in Hokkaido.
2018/8/4,5 We had summer seminar and recreation in Hakone and Goura.
2018/7/25 We received Best paper award of IEEE Transactions of Nanotechnology.
2018/6/17 Prof. Kobayashi presented regular and invited paper presentations in Silicon Nano Workshop in Hawaii.
2018/6/8,9 Prof. Hiramoto and Kobayashi lab was introduced in IIS open campus.
2018/5/30 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in ISAF in Hiroshima.
2018/5/15 Prof. Kobayashi gave an invited talk in 233rd ECS meeting in Seattle.
2018/5/2 Updated publication list in 2017.
2018/5/1 Prof. Kobayashi reported IEDM 2017 in the Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
2018/4/14 New homepage has been launched! Old page is here.
2018/4/1 Hidemasa Yoshimura joined Kobayashi's lab.
2018/4/1 Prof. Kobayashi was assigned to be Leading Young Researcher in The University of Tokyo.